Our extensive assessments and screening process ensure candidates’ skills and desires match the job description before we send them.
On both sides of the process, traditional hiring takes too much time and effort.
For businesses, you may not have time to write a job description, post it to job boards, and set up interviews just because you need a receptionist for the week. If you have seasonal positions, all the time and effort can seem wasted when the busy time is over.
For candidates looking for a job, the weeks spent submitting resumes and interviewing represent missed opportunities for income.
Our extensive assessments and screening process ensure candidates’ skills and desires match the job description before we send them.
Molly Brown Temps believes you should find a great job or a great candidate quickly, but the standard hiring process is slow and difficult. With our staffing services in the Greater Seattle Area, you’ll have a network of local candidates and companies to get a great fit on the first day.
OVER 28,000
OVER 13,000
OVER 1,500
At MBT, we know you need to find or fill a position quickly. When you’re a company looking to hire, you may not have the time or resources to go through resumes and set up interviews. As a candidate, you may spend all day submitting resumes when what you really need are good connections to find a great company. You can’t always make those connections on your own and going through the hiring process takes time.
With staffing services in Seattle, Molly Brown Temps makes the hiring process simple. We assess the candidate’s skills, wants, and deal-breakers, compare them to all the available positions with our wide range of clients, and place them in an appropriate role.
For our clients, we fill positions quickly by pre-screening candidates and keeping up with our wide network. We ask the questions our candidates want to know, so you get someone who can do the job and enjoys working on your team.